Song Review: Stray Kids – S-Class

Song Review: Stray Kids – S-Class

There are times when you admire something even if you don’t necessarily like it. Stray Kids’ new single S-Class (특) has those qualities. I admire its chutzpah, and I admire the group’s willingness to experiment with sound and structure. This seems to be their answer to JYP Entertainment’s “mixx-pop” endeavor — basically cramming an entire highlight medley into a single song.

Musical buffets can be great — a little bit of this, a little bit of that. But, the individual dishes must stand on their own and, more importantly, must lead to some sense of satisfaction after they’re combined. I came away from my first listen of S-Class overstuffed and a bit dizzy, but not exactly satiated.

Here’s the thing…. I’m all about pop songs getting weird (exhibit a, exhibit b). But, I also crave an anchor that grounds the entire track and makes me eager to hit replay. Up until its first chorus, S-Class‘s swerves and fake-outs captured my attention. The percussion is genuinely interesting and I love the segue from brash rapping to smooth vocals. But then, we hit what turns out to be the main hook and the track loses its fuel. The intricate, ever-changing production picks up the slack, but the central chant feels like a placeholder until the guys can come up with something better.

I dig the ode to 90’s hip-hop in the second verse (even if it doesn’t meld with the following pre-chorus at all), and the rugged dance break just before the finale is strong enough to power an entire song. But, you can’t cater a buffet from delicious appetizers and toss a piece of chopped liver on the biggest, fanciest plate. Us picky eaters won’t have it!

Thankfully, when S-Class is good it’s very good, and those glimpses of inspiration may give the song more staying power than expected. I’m eager to see how I feel about it in a week’s time.

Hooks 7
 Production 9
 Longevity 8
 Bias 8

Grade: B-

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