How To Manifest The Life You Want as a Musician

How To Manifest The Life You Want as a Musician

The concept of manifestation has taken this generation by storm, with people all over the world swearing by its effectiveness. If you’re passionate about creating the life of your wildest dreams, trying out this method sure won’t hurt your chances! Of course nothing worth having comes without hard work and dedication, but in conjunction with a healthy mindset, persistent action, and a little bit of patience, you’re on the right path to manifesting the career and life you’ve always wanted. Here’s how to start…

Take Action

One of the biggest misconceptions of manifestation is that all you have to do is sit back, hope for the best, and watch the opportunities roll in. However, the only way to truly manifest opportunities is to set yourself up to receive them. You have to hyper-focus on the goal you have in mind. Whatever it is, what type of actions would a person who has achieved that goal do? If you desperately want to get a specific, bigger artist to collaborate with you, what do their current collaborators look like? Do they have a specific amount of followers? Are they passionate online? Do they have a heavy focus on nurturing their fanbase? Do they take chances? Do they run in a specific circle of creatives?

All these things are achievable. If you take steps to meet these requirements, you’re actively aligning yourself within a path that can get you that goal.

Surround Yourself with Supportive People

Just like your parents always nagged you as a kid, you are only as good as the company you keep. To make sure you are at the right place at the right time, you have to build a network of fellow musicians, mentors and friends who believe in your talent and support your aspirations. In difficult times, these positive influences can uplift and motivate through them. If your friends are all reaching for the stars, that trait will naturally rub off onto you.

Visualization and Affirmations

One of the most effective parts of manifestation is to use visualization techniques to see yourself achieving your goals as a successful musician. What this means is to visualize your goals as if they are true today, right now. Then, combine this practice with daily, external affirmations. Practicing these daily affirmations will reinforce your belief in your talents and your ability to manifest your dreams.

Instead of saying things like, “I wish I was an amazing guitarist.” or “I wish I could go on tour with Post Malone.”, say things like “I am an amazing guitarist.” “Post Malone and I are going on tour together.”

Not only that, you can’t just quietly  think these things in your head. You have to say them out loud, and write them down. That’s why vision boards and journaling work so well for people. If you can see your goal in the physical world, it makes it real. It’s no longer a passing thought, it’s here and now. If you truly believe something will happen for you, it will.


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Get Rid of Negative Influences

If you really want to manifest positive change in your life, you can’t continue to let negative influences or energy have space in your life. Manifestation requires a streamlined focus on positive reinforcement. That means you have to take an honest look at the things in your life that may not be serving your best interests, and take steps to remove them. If you have a friend who constantly talks about how their life sucks and nothing matters, that mindset will start to seep into your own. No matter how strong willed you are, if you are constantly hearing negative talk there’s no way to ignore it forever until you finally get rid of it.

This is probably the hardest part, and it may take some time to master. Some people and actions in your life may truly bring you a lot of joy, and yet at the same time are detrimental to your goals, and even your overall health. You may have friends who love to party and are fun to hang out with in that setting. However, when it comes to hustling, sacrificing for a better future and working hard in a professional setting… maybe not so much. It’s up to you to either create strong boundaries with those people, or even cut them out all together.

  • Negative influences don’t always come from external sources. Many of us struggle from being our own worst enemy sometimes, especially as creatives. — If you struggle with this, check out How To Reframe Negative Thinking Patterns to learn how to change your thinking patterns for the better.

Utilize Your Social Media and Online Presence

In this digital age, having a strong online presence is vital for musicians and creatives alike. The community you build online will undeniably bring you opportunities. Just think about it… The further your reach online, the more connections you build and the wider network you have to search for whatever it is you desire. We are stronger in numbers. Especially in the music industry, it’s about who you know! Social media is the ultimate tool for connection.

Remain Open for Opportunities

In my personal opinion, the real reason manifestation works so well is because it sets you up to be prepared for when opportunities actually present themselves. The process of practicing positive affirmations, getting better at your craft, making fruitful connections and everything that comes with these, is preparing you to be ready for that big break. Without these, you wouldn’t be in the proper headspace to recognize an opportunity when it’s set in front of you.

In Conclusion…

Manifestation is a process. It takes time, effort, and consistency. By focusing on bettering yourself, you are effectively setting yourself up for greatness. By actively practicing positivity, you open yourself up for positive influences. The last part of manifestation is to take time every day to be thankful for everything you have now. Whether it be the meaningful relationships you have in your life or the skills you posses as an artist, be grateful for these. Many people wish they had what you do. You should practice gratitude every day for the air in your lungs and the capability to try again and again to reach your goals.

You only get one life. One chance to nurture your existence here on this planet. If you respect your journey, it will reward you tenfold.

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